Let's Talk

   A life without colors is hard for the imagination. On second thoughts, it’s not just hard but it’s impossible to imagine a colorless life. Colors bring joy (the other Colors brings us over-the-top, melodramatic soaps and serials), it imparts a smile on our face and makes life lively. And when all these colors are brought together to form an image, no literary genius can put that feeling into words.

Event Name:Debate

   The fiercest fight of words, hands down, is debate. It is the oldest and purest form of verbal rivalry where opponents show no mercy. It is a competition between the two extreme ends of a topic and there is no diplomatic way to fight it. Humor and sarcasm are welcomed with open arms in a debate.


      • 1 Team per college
      • 4 Participants Per Team
      • Time Limit : 3 mins per participant
      • Participants are asked to stick to the Time Limit
      • Topics will be allocated as per lots

Event Name: Shipwreck

If this isn’t fun, then what is?
Water, Water everywhere,
And the ship is about to sink,
Water, water everywhere,
How do you save yourself, think!!!
The plot is simple, the ship is wrecked in the middle of the ocean and the captain can only save one person on board using his small, two-seater jet-ski. Now it’s up to you to save yourself by convincing the captain. Let’s see if you can buy your own life with your own words? Plot Twist: You are not yourself. You have to use the identity of a famous personality, mimic him and then save yourself.


      • 4 Participants Per college
      • Time Limit 2-3 mins
      • Any form of Vulgarity is not Allowed

Event Name:Just A Minute

“Spontaneity is a meticulously prepared art.” ~ Oscar Wilde

Talk for 1 minute on the given topic. It is all about spontaneity without repetition, hesitation or deviation


      • 3 participants per college.
      • You need to talk spontaneously for 1 minute either in TAMIL or English
      • Judges decision will be final

Event Name:Who Am I/Situation Round

Who Am I is a simple game that makes a good icebreaker especially when played by a larger group. It gets people to mingle and talk to each other. The game is extremely simple, and plays out according to very specific, easily explained rules.


      • Two participant per college
      • Pick one name for each person playing. Don't let any of the players see the names until the game starts. The names can represent real people you know, celebrities, animated characters, storybook characters, historical figures or political personalities.
      • Stick one label on each person's back. Do not allow him to see the name before you put it there.
      • Tell everyone the rules. Each person gets 20 "yes or no" questions to find out who she is. For instance, she can ask, " Am I real person?" "Am I a male?" "Am I alive?" "Did I invent something?" "Am I in a current movie?" and so forth. The questions cannot be either/or questions like "Am I male or female” .No other hints are allowed. Whoever guesses correctly first wins the game.

There are situations in life which give the power of taking decisions and subsequently give the ability to change any and every part of the circumstance in an instant. Without analysis, there is no synthesis. All great truths are simple in final analysis Put to test the ability to understand the crux of the problem and deliver effective and implementable solutions here!


      • 1 team(2 participants) per college
      • A preface of an event and the ending of the same event is described.
      • Participant should guess what is the cause of the eventual is.
      • 3 mins ( preparation time will be given).

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