Event Name: Dumb C
This is where you shut your mouth and let your hands do the talking. In other words, hand signs are used to explain to your partner what needs to be explained. It is a two person event and your success can be credited to you being good at being dumb and your partner being good at NOT being dumb.
No words! Just Act!
• Maximum 1 Team per college.
• Maximum 3 participants per team.
Marks will be assessed based on Topic given, Answer found.
Event Name: Who Am I?
Who Am I is a simple game that makes a good icebreaker especially when played by a larger group. It gets people to mingle and talk to each other. The game is extremely simple, and plays out according to very specific, easily explained rules.
• Two participants per college
• Pick one name for each person playing. Don't let any of the players see the names until the game starts. The names can represent real people you know, celebrities, animated characters, storybook characters, historical figures or political personalities.
• Stick one label on each person's back. Do not allow him to see the name before you put it there.
• Tell everyone the rules. Each person gets 20 "yes or no" questions to find out who she is. For instance, she can ask, " Am I real person?" "Am I a male?" "Am I alive?" "Did I invent something?" "Am I in a current movie?" and so forth. The questions cannot be either/or questions like "Am I male or female” .No other hints are allowed. Whoever guesses correctly first wins the game.
• Maximum 1 Team per college.
• 2 Members per team.
Marks will be assessed based on Personality / characters given, Number of questions in which the answer was found.
Event Name:Gamindrome
For the ardent Counter Strike gamers who want to battle it out with the other teams.
• Maximum 1 team per college.
• Maximum 10 participants per team.
Marks will be assessed based on Game given, Game completed.
Event Name:Fireless Cooking
The name is enough to describe what it really is. This game dates back to the age when fire wasn’t discovered. Of course the food may have never tasted good then, but that should not be the case now. Good food without fire, that is what it is all about.
• Maximum 5 teams per college.
• Maximum 2 participants per team.
• Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
Marks will be assessed based on Taste, Ingredients, Creativity / presentation.
Event Name: Go Green
Get your 10 x 10 feet space in the college campus and go creative using it. Remember to stick to biodegradable and recyclable materials. Paavai, aplenty with gardens and greenery would be pleasing to see with innovations like relaxing zone to an organic farm.
• 1 Team per College (No Restrictions with number of participants).
Marks will be assessed based on Overall idea, Execution, Long term vision.
Event Name: Ideas!Dream It!Do It!
An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea. -Buddha
Each college will have to choose an idea – anything from a simple initiative to an educational drive, and pass it down to all the students in the college. Performance of each college will be assessed on the day of Astra.
• 1 Idea per College
Marks will be assessed based on Overall idea, Execution, Long term vision, Overall interest among all students.