International Women’s Day and Women Empowerment Series with a special address on “Do Your Duty” were conducted on 08th March 2019 in Anandha Arangam at 11.00 am. The programme commenced with the prayer song. Ms. R.Kavya of II B.A. English welcomed the gathering. The Chairman of Paavai Institutions in his presidential address expressed his delight of being conditioned and loved by women in the forms of mother, wife and daughter and asserted that Paavai is proud of the women folk of Paavai. He said that women perform equal to men and sometimes more than men. He also said that he has given what the students need in current scenario through seven women empowerment series and it is now the turn of the students to carry out them to succeed in life by being simple and morale. The Correspondent of Paavai Institutions felicitated the gathering and honoured the Chief Guest with shawl. In her felicitation, she said that women should have the quest for knowledge, listening skills, questioning attitude and awareness in action to reach greater heights in their life. She asked the students not to underestimate themselves, compare with male, yield to distractions, be meek and take success to the head. She reminded the students to learn good things and pass confirmed information in their three years formulation period and asked the students to show the result of the women empowerment series in their university result. Ms. K.M.Padhumila of III B.A. English introduced the chief guest. The Guest speaker Dr.R.Kasthuribai, Dean, Faculty Development Department, in her speech said that encouragement is the first and foremost quality of Paavai, which induces action, comfort, and motivation. She asked the students to accomplish the action with great love, passion and role clarity to make the life beautiful by citing many successful personalities like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Robert Frost, Crazy Daizy Victory, Indira Nooyi, Mother Terasa and Alfred Nobel. She then clearly explicated when, how and how long to perform duties and responsibilities and how to lead the family and society without role clash. She concluded the speech by asserting that character alone gives respect and asked the students to learn from life and be happy since women are born to win. The chairman of Paavai Institutions honoured the chief guest with memento. Cultural programmes were conducted as a part of Women’s Day celebration by the students of Pavai Arts and Science College for Women. Students performed fashion parade on literary characters, an English skit on “Moana”, classical dance, mime, Villupaattu, a Tamil drama on ‘Pasi pini pokiya mangai’, Aerobic dance and fusion dance. The twin programmes were a feast to ears and eyes to the spectators. The programme came to an end with the Vote of Thanks delivered by N.Radhika of I B.A. English followed by the National Anthem.
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