We observed 5th International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2019. Under the auspices of National Service Scheme and Physical Education, more than 1200 students participated in the event of celebrating the International Yoga Day in our college premises. Dr.K.Kumaraswamy, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Syndicate Member, Periyar University, Salem was the chief guest for the function. The session started on a divine note with a prayer song. Ms.R.Abinaya, III year B.E. (ECE) welcomed the gathering. The function was presided over by Shri.CA.N.V.Natarajan, Chairman, Paavai Educational Institutions. In his presidential address he said “Sound body is very essential for a sound mind lies”. He emphasized that the yoga enriches our feelings and gives wonderful experiences. The chief guest, Dr.K.Kumaraswamy, in his special address, gave the importance and benefits of yoga in our life. He insisted the students to practice yoga daily and it helps us to prevent all diseases from our body. Mr.Elavarasan, Yoga Master, Paavai Engineering College, guided the students in performing the Asanas and Pranayam. Smt.N.Mangai Natarajan, Correspondent, Paavai Educational Institutions, Dr.K.K.Ramasamy, Director Administration, Dr.M.Premkumar, Principal, Paavai Engineering College, Heads of Departments, Mr.M.Santhanaraja, Physical Director, Paavai Engineering College, Mr.C.Rathnakumar, NSS Programme Officer, Paavai Engineering College and the Staff members actively participated in this function. All the students performed the fundamental Asanas in Yoga. At the end of the programme, an oath was taken to do Yoga regularly at least for 30 minutes every day. The function concluded with vote of thanks by Ms.P.Durga, III year B.E. (ECE), Paavai Engineering College.
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