Art Attack
Trash – Art Installation
All that remains on the earth is trash and engineers ought to create a new life out of it. Create an installation from any trash you can find around you and make it look appealing.
Group Event
- 1 Team per Master Team.
- No restrictions in number of Participants per team.
- Area 300sqft – 400sqft (approx)
- Prime material is Junk and you are allowed to do makeovers.
- Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
- Look into the fine details of the execution. Marks will be awarded for details.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Marks will be assessed based on Intricacy in design /complexity, Perfection, Creativity in material usage, Overall presentation.
A life without colors is hard to imagine. Monochromes are another play where you get to use any one color over a background/ ground surface. Make a mega Kambikolam using only white kolampodi and your endless imagination.
Size :20*20
2 teams per Master Team.
Maximum 10 participants per Master Team.
Register yourself with overall staff co coordinator.
Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
Only Chalk/Kolam Powders has to be used.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Mehendi has been a part of our culture for centuries and rightly so. It’s hard to imagine any festive occasion without the girls decorating their hands with henna.‘Why are girls so excited about decorating their hands with heena?’ a question that has revolved around every guy’s head for ages. Let’s see if the girls can answer the guys, this Jan/Feb.
- Maximum 6 participants per Master Team.
Register yourself with overall staff co coordinator.
Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
- Materials required will be provided.
- TIME DURATION : 1:30 Hrs.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Hair Dressing
The likes of Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis often shy away from this event for obvious reasons. Art has certainly shown no mercy to the human body. Impress everyone with your innovative hair dressing skills that only your magical hands can create.
Maximum 6 participants per Mater Team.
No helpers will be used.
TIME LIMIT : 1:30 Hrs.
Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Marks will be assessed based on Creativity, Intricacy in design /complexity, Visual appearance/ beauty.
Chalk – Art Pattern
- Size – 10×10
- Space will be provided.
- 1 Team per Master Team.
- Maximum 6 participants per Master Team.
- Register yourself with overall staff co coordinator.
- Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
- Only White Chalk has to be used.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Marks will be assessed based on Intricacy in design /complexity, Perfection, Creativity in material usage, Overall presentation.
Face Painting
The concept is very interesting, turning ones face into a canvas and painting. It is an exciting form of art for the artists but more excited are those people on whom the paint is being applied. Face Painting is certainly the most interesting form of art.
- 6 teams per Master Team.
- 2 Members Per team.
- Participants are asked to come with their materials.
- TIME DURATION : 1:15 Hrs.
- Only the first two places will be awarded.
Monochrome Pencil Sketching
There is something about pencil sketches that is very peaceful. The shades, the pattern and the movement of those hands while drawing, it gives inner peace to the mind like a John Mayer song.
6 Participants per Master Team.
Materials (Paper/Pencil/Erase/Scale) will be provided.
TIME LIMIT : 2:00 Hrs.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Theme: Coming Soon
Fruit / Vegetables Carving
Here Fruits and vegetables are not meant for eating, but for sculpting! Show your sculpting talents and create jaw dropping sculptures!
• 6 Teams per Master Team.
• 2 members per Team
• Participants are asked to come with their materials.
• TIME LIMIT : 1:30 Hrs.
• Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
Only the first two places will be awarded.
Marks will be assessed based on Creativity, Intricacy in design /complexity, Visual appearance/ beauty.