VOICE OF ASTRA -Solo Singing
Everyone can sing, a few loud, a few bold while a few soft, but only a few leave a permanent impact in our hearts. This event is to search for that unique voice of Paavai that we will cherish forever.
It is a solo event where the participant gets a certain amount of time to show the value of their voice. Songs of any genre can be sung but the lyrics should be appropriate and suitable for a decent gathering.
• Maximum 5 Participants per College.
• Songs should be appropriate.
• Any form of vulgarity will lead to disqualification.
• Time limit : 4+1 min.
• Karaoke _compulsory.
• Judges decision will be final. Any violation will result in elimination.
Marks will be assessed based on Choice of Song, Voice Clarity, Sruthi / Thalam /Words pronounciation, Overall Performance.