The Faculty Development Department organized a four-day orientation programme for the recently recruited faculty members to make them familiar with the institutional practices and the instructional strategies of teaching and learning, because teachers are considered to be the pillars of Paavai. The orientation programme was held from 28.09.2022 to 01.10.2022 at Smart Hall. 25 faculty members from Paavai institutions attended the orientation programme.
The Inauguration was held at Smart hall on 28.09.2022, where in Shri.CA.N.V.Natarajan, the Chairman explained that teaching and learning should take place simultaneously in the classroom.Self-Introduction was given by the faculty members. He explained the components of teaching profession and asked the teachers to prepare on a daily basis. He elaborated the method, strategies and art of teaching and learning. Finally he highlighted that Self-recognition, Self-realization and self-actualization should be done by the teacher for further enhancement and professional growth of a teacher. Smt.Mangai Natarajan Correspondent said that teachers should always make confident among students. She said that the teachers need to read loudly their subjects and there should be clarity in their teaching. She highlighted that “Socially responsible, legally bound, economically stable and ethical sound”. S.Priyetharsine Teaching Observer, FDD welcomed the gathering.
The objectives and methodology of the orientation programme were read out by S.Pavithra Teaching Observer, FDD. After the inauguration, the technical sessions commenced. Dr.K.K.Ramasamy, Director Administration,Paavai Institutions, Mrs.C.Jayalakshmi, Dean Counseling, Dr.M.Prem Kumar, Principal, PEC, Dr.B.Murali Babu, CoE, Dr,K.Selvi Professor, CSE PCT, Dr. K.Subashini, Head FDD,Mr. Thamariselvan, Head, Placement and Training Dr.D.Bhanumanthy, HoD/CSE, Dr.R.Shanthi, HoD/Eng, Dr.Mohanapriya, ASP/ECE, and Mr.Elavarasan Yoga trainer were the resource persons for the programme who threw light on areas such as ,‘Teachers are the second parents’,‘Professional ethics and responsibility of teachers’, ‘Paavai culture’, ‘Attitude, Skill and Knowledge’, ‘Triple S relationship’, ‘Pedagogy of teaching and learning’, ‘Placement Training’, ‘Chillax’, ‘Communication skills’, ‘Smart Teaching’ and ‘Yoga’.
Mrs.Jayalakshmi Dean Counseling, illustrated that “Teachers are second parents” by demonstrating various lifetime incidents. She shared her experiences to deal the slow learners of the classroom. Dr.K.K.Ramasamy, Director Administration, expounded on the different roles and responsibilities of the teachers. He advocated the practical method of teaching to reach out to the students of all categories. He also stressed the importance of observation skill and it should be developed by the teacher. He highlighted that 1.Knowledge of fundamentals, 2.Good communication skills, 3.Guiding force/motivator, 4.Observation; 5.Pleasant attitude should be done by the teachers to improve their teaching skills. Various examples related to different branches of study and environments were explained. Dr.K.Selvi, Professor, CSE PCT explained the significance of Paavai Culture, Paavai Mantra and Paavai belief. Dr.M.PremKumar, Principal, PEC, emphasized the importance of developing a right attitude to serve as worthy members of Paavai. He explained that. ‘One’s attitude determines one’s Altitude’. Dr.B.Murali Babu, CoE elaborated on the significance of ‘Triple S relationship’. He stated that the relationship of a faculty member with the students, other staff members, and superior should have the line of boundary for maintain healthy relationship.Dr.K Subashini, Head, FDD emphasized the pedagogy of teaching and learning. She further highlighted the different strategies and techniques of teaching and learning to make the classroom interactive and interesting.
Dr.D.Bhanumathy, HoD, CSE explained the Chillax with various activities. Dr.R.Shanthi,HoD, Eng elaborated on the importance of English language and communication skills. She further highlighted the various skills for developing English language. Dr.Mohanapriya, ASP, ECE explained the importance of Smart Teaching. She demonstrated the various app for teaching online and she engaged the participants in online tools and their optimum utilization for making learning effective.Mr.Thamarai selvan Head, Placement and training, PEC, delivered his speech on ‘Placement Training’. He described how to choose a career with clear knowledge. He described clearly about grooming skills, problem solving skills and communication skills. He insisted the students to speak in English without any hesitation to face interview and group discussion. He also created an awareness regarding the recruitment and the expectation of the companies. Mr.Elavarasan, yoga trainer demonstrated the various Asanas and yoga exercise.
Each resource person explained, elaborated and had an interactive session with the faculty members. Around eleven topics had been handled in these seven days. Throughout the orientation the members were assisted to hone their LSRW skills. Every faculty gave a model presentation of their teaching units and feedback was given then and there to enhance the procedure of the effective teaching. Different kinds of activities such as Ice breaking event, Role Play, Group activity were also conducted to keep up the excitement of teaching and learning. The programme thus catered to the needs of the inductees and the Faculty Development Department expressed its willingness to be with them as and when required.
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